Friday 10 March 2017


When you are on a right track your journey becomes easy similarly if you can choose the best social media platform for your business, you are likely to succeed.
 In today’s era when we have allot of  options , choosing the one best platform for your business becomes a difficult task but if you can relate your business type with that social channel and if  you know where  the audience you want to target is more aligned your work becomes easy.



It is one of the broadest social networking site in the world. If you want to reach a broad audience it is the right choice for you. But given the fact that 70% of people who are active on facebook are adults not youngsters so if your business is for adults you can think of facebook as an option. Facebook may not be the most effective medium for your business as people mostly use it for making personal connections.

 If your business want to target young people both men and women, provides insights regarding latest topics twitter is a good choice for you because “Informative junkies” are active on twitter.

If your business is more of showing your costumers (especially youngsters) pictures or videos of your deals and company.

If you are interested in making business connections or peer networking ,majority of its users are professionals or highly educated people so by connecting with them your business could expand.

Now you can choose the platform that is right for your business by comparing your business type and audience with the above information. Also, always be active on your social channel to interact with costumers.


5-Myths-About-Social-Media. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Manafy, M. (2014, July 09). How to Choose the Best Social Media Site for Your Business. Retrieved March 02, 2017, from 

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