Friday 10 March 2017



Everything has its pros and cons, social media can be both productive as well as something which could destroy your hard earned fame. Internet has the power to make things go viral in a very short span of time; this is the power of social media.
 It is beneficial in case of good news but on the other hand it could create a problem for those companies about whom something bad is going viral. On company’s social website everyone is free to leave their views whether they are credible or not, this anonymous news could become a major problem because people easily get influenced by other people’s views.

Social media marketing is today seen more as a trend, almost every popular company has a social media channel where they interact with their costumers to know more of what they expect from that company.
 Ever heard of this term, “Bad costumers”? These are people who anonymously comments or spread fake new regarding a company  because they do this for fun or sometimes intentionally and the major problem with this issue is that now a day’s people prefer social media over reading magazines or books because they feel everything on social media is reliable and is easily accessible.

 An interesting example is of McDonalds, where few costumers shared negative stories on Twitter and those stories went viral which effected Mcd’s reputation. For more information  regarding such issues you can refer to Jeff Wilson’s post “
Social Media is Creating Bad Customers
Today social media marketing is a new trend which every company wants to follow and for being successful in that some calculated risks and good planning is required.
You can also do a survey regarding social media use on

(n.d.). Retrieved March 08, 2017, from (image)

Barbara, J. (2013, July 31). Is Social Media Bad For Business? Retrieved March 09, 2017, from


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