Friday 10 March 2017



In today’s technological world, everything has become easy with advanced technology and internet, social media plays an important role for people all over the world.“Social media” when you think about this term, what pops up in your mind? Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram?
It is true that these names pops up in your mind instantly because these are the most common social networking websites used all over the world because of their popularity.

So social media is not just about interacting with each other it is much more than that. For people, especially the ones who are in business field social media can impact their businesses in different ways.

Facebook, Twitter or Instagram all of these social media platforms are good to use in order to connect with your audience, for business people with their customers. As these platforms are inexpensive to use but the fact that it’s quick or easy is false, because it takes time and effort to get the best out of something.
According to Amy Vernon, Social Marketing  consultant, CMO of you should keep in mind the following things:

·         Create your social media channels as soon as possible.

·         Connect with journalists and bloggers who are already writing about your topic because when you read their work you get alot of influence which will help you in future.

·         Choose the best possible social networking platform for your business by finding out on which platform the audience you want to target is more active.

 FollowerWonk is a good listening tool to analyze and compare audience participation.

Here is a video which depicts some really interesting facts about social media which every business oriented person should be aware of.


(n.d.). Retrieved March 05, 2017, from (image)

S. (2015, April 16). Social Media in Business. Retrieved March 06, 2017, from ( video)

Parrish, C. (2015, July 08). How To Use Social Media To Market Your Business. Retrieved February 28, 2017, from


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